The Troston Social Club co-ordinator is Anne Walker.  Telephone 01359 269 360.  Email

The Troston Social Club meets on the last Friday of each month in the Village Hall.  All Troston Villages are automatic members and there is no joining fee.

It is a relatively new venture and we hope villages will support it, and ensure that it thrives.  So far, our events have been the Pop Up Pub, a Quiz Night, and a Walking Group.

Future events can be viewed on the events page.

Pop Up Pub

The pop up pub is an informal get together with games.  Chess, scrable etc.

Villagers bring their own drink and refreshments.

Quiz Night

The quiz nights are for teams of up to four.  We encourage villagers to get together and form a team.

Food is included in the entrance price, but drink is brought in by participants.

Walking Group

The walking group is led by Martyn and Pat Smith (

We meet every 4th Wednesday at 9:50 for a 10am start, usually at the village hall but please check the whiteboard (by the village sign) for any variations to this.  Detail of the next walk can also be found on the events page of this site.  Tea and biscuits are available at the village hall, if required, at the end of the walk.