HEATH WOOD Troston woods

The Parish Council are looking for volunteers to help with some works at Troston Woods on Saturday 23rd September at 1pm. For more information please follow this link.

The Wood was originally the old gravel pits which were owned by the Greengrass family in the 16th and 17th Century. The Will of William Greengrass in 1558 states: "I give to the reparations of the King's highway in Troston, where the most need is, 20 loads of gravel". In 1807 the pits were designated to the village by the Commissioners at the time of the great Enclosures. In 1892, they were taken over by the Thingoe Union when it became responsible for the upkeep of local highways. St Edmundsbury subsequently inherited the land from Thingo and in 1991 offered to sell it to Troston Parish Council. However, with research for the Troston History Book, it was discovered that the pits had already been given to the village in 1807, and so the land was transferred to Troston free of charge.